
Grateful for the Care
I'm very grateful for the care I received in the Emergency Room at John C. Fremont on Nov. 22, 2021...for the CT Scan diagnosing a large brain mass...and for the ambulance transport to Sutter Hospital in Sacramento. I don't have names of those who cared for me...I have no memory from that night due to brain issues...I've had craniotomy and radiation...but trust when I say your actions saved my life.
Dear Reader ,
Thank goodness we have our Emergency Room (ER). Several years ago, on a cold February morning, my husband George woke up about 6am. He told me he was feeling dizzy. I turned on the light in our bedroom, looked at his flushed face, felt his head, and ran for the thermometer. He had a 104° fever and no other symptoms. This was out of the blue.
I drove him to the ER. By the time, we arrived 15 minutes later, he was shaking with chills and his fever was now 105.5. He was seen immediately. George was diagnosed with septicemia--a serious infection that travels through the blood to the organs. Now, the ER doctor had to figure out the cause so that a specific antibiotic could be administered intravenously. In the meantime, a broad-based antibiotic was administered along with several other medications.
Many different tests were performed. After 12 hours of treatment, I was warned that if his lactic acid went up by one number, or if his blood pressure went down by one number, he'd have to be helicoptered to a larger facility. But the antibiotics worked. His fever started to come down. He was going to make it! He was hospitalized for 3 days after this. He was weak, but he was alive. Thank goodness for our ER doctor and staff. If we'd had to have transported him to a more distant facility, he may not have survived. Bravo to our ER! And thank goodness it is right here in Mariposa. Gratefully, Angie Heiss
My family, which included 3 active children, has had a relationship with John C. Fremont Hospital that goes back probably 45 years or so. It has come to our aid many times caring for broken arms, legs, feet, 2nd degree burns and broken heads(concussions).But as we have gotten older, the relationship has become less frequent but more serious. The hospital stabilized my husband's breathing when he would not have survived a trip to Merced or Fresno with O2 saturations of 58% and they kept him alive so he could make a trip for lifesaving treatment. More recently, they kept me alive when all but one of the natural pacemakers in my heart failed and I was hanging on by a thread. Again, they stabilized me enough to med-flight me to St Agnes in Fresno where a team met me on the roof and wheeled me directly into surgery. And then my son collapsed at home and was transported by ambulance to JCF and he was quickly diagnosed with a bad case of sepsis and his heart, lungs and kidneys were all failing. And once again they stabilized him and airlifted him to the only hospital that specialized in his type of trauma. They informed me while they were loading him that he might not survive the trip. He did but spent almost 4 weeks in CCU unconscious. And last summer he was once again in the ER, very sick, and this time diagnosed with MERSA. They opted to treat him here and they did a wonderful job of nursing him back to health. I can't say enough about the care he received which required wound care on his badly infected feet and legs. By the way, they think he acquired the infection from an open wound on his foot that was contaminated by walking barefoot in dirt. And last summer I started having trouble breathing and once again the ER staff did their thing and diagnosed me with double pneumonia and they treated me in our hospital. I was there for two weeks and can say again how wonderful the staff was. These were all very serious incidents that would have turned out much worse had it not been for the experience and expediency of our local hospital. They have truly saved our lives and I know the lives of many more and I hope they will be able to continue to save the lives of others as needed in our community in the future.
Sincerely, Dorothy Nielson
Ten years ago, a dog bit off the end of my left index finger. It was a Saturday night. I wrapped up my hand and leftover piece in a cold pack and drove myself to John C. Fremont Hospital. I couldn't have driven any further. A doctor who happened to specialize in such things was on loan from a San Francisco hospital that night. I had to wait and I got sick to my stomach looking at my poor finger. But in my experience with family members and other emergencies, even in the big cities, this isn't uncommon. In any case, I had an expert work on me that night, one that I would have never been too able to get to under those circumstances. My finger was repaired and I returned to play in the Mariposa symphony orchestra soon thereafter.
Over the years, I've had family members and visitors to the area use our local hospital and the emergency services it provides. My father had to spend a few nights there when my folks were visiting. And even though it is doubtful that dad's problem was life threatening, the care he received was top notch. He had nothing but good things to say about it.
I used to sponsor astronomy events in the area and would host 25 to 30 tourists on new moon weekends. I do recall a few times when someone would end up visiting our hospital for sprains, broken bones or injuries sustained while adventuring in the area.
When I decided to buy property in Mariposa 30 years ago, I made sure that if I were to retire here, there would be a hospital I could rely on in my elderly years. Well, here I am in that golden time where everything seems to go wrong and we are on the verge of losing our hospital.
My name is Randy Brower, I am a local business owner and lifelong (pretty much) Mariposa community member. I have unfortunately had the pleasure of visiting John C. Fremont Hospital on many occasions, including a serious heart attack in Feb of 2017.
When I suffered my heart attack in 2017 had it not been for the immediate treatment from JC Fremont, their incredible and professional staff and the steps they took to insure I got the best and urgent care I needed, I most likely would not have made it. They were able to treat me and they made arrangements for me to be transferred, this saved my life, many thanks to them for this!
In the time since then I have had a few scares and have always been treated very well by all staff and appreciate the services I am able to get locally without having to travel. JC Fremont has been good to not only myself, but friends and family as well.
Not only do they provide emergency services, but the Ewing Wing is such an asset. My father-in-law and other family members have spent time there and have received the utmost professional care and comfort.
There are many who complain and criticize our hospital, but what it really boils down to is what would we do with it?! Our county would be lost with it. where would we go, Fresno, Merced? Look at the extra time! In my case I probably would not have made it!
Thank You
Randy Brower
Thank you JCF!
In the past I have not had a great experience at this hospital, but yesterday blew me away! Every single person, it was about 6 different people helped me and were so nice. I may have a broken foot, but they made me feel important and cared for. Thank you JCF. -Sabrina G

Miracle in the ER
My history with JCF Healthcare District is long and varied. I gave birth to my youngest son in the E.R when they were no longer doing births there and it was a beautiful experience. All of my 5 children have been treated for various ailments, broken bones and more there, always with a great outcome. My elderly father was stabilized and transported several times. Without this option, he wouldn't have made it. My family has been referred to various Dr's throughout the central valley with ease and always a positive outcome. It is not perfect, but it is completely necessary for our community. As far as I am concerned, it is a vital facility and without it the entire community would suffer.
My Story
I just wanted to share my breast cancer story. One year ago this month JCF mammogram technician found a suspicious spot in my right breast. In order to rule anything out she referred me to get an ultrasound. After the ultrasound confirmed micro calcifications, they suggested to be sure it was nothing, I should have a biopsy. We did the biopsy and the result was suspicious cells but no positive result for cancer.
We saw the surgeon and after explaining everything suggested we could wait and monitor the spot or we could do a lumpectomy and remove the growth. My mother had a history of breast cancer so we chose to do the lumpectomy.
Now mind you this was during the height of Covid 2020 and nothing about this process was easy, including going to every appointment alone, with my husband sitting in the car. Even the day of surgery my husband sat in the hospital parking lot for 12 hours and waited. We were able to FaceTime but it wasn't the same. The surgery went well and healing began.
1 week later we met with the surgeon completely expecting to hear that there was no cancer and everything was good. NOT! There were indeed cancer cells and we had caught this horrible disease very early!
Again we were offered the option to do radiation, which we did. We drove everyday 3 hours round trip to Fresno for a 5 minute zap. The technicians were amazing and so kind. 15 sessions later we were done and now more healing began. Last step, oncologist, who put me on estrogen blockers for 5 years.
This last week I had a mammogram that came back clear!!!! One year down. Everyone we encountered on this journey has been amazing, kind, supportive and caring. Please if you are. Reading this and haven't had your mammogram- go do it! Early detection is a life saver.
- Theresa Cook
I just love JCF!
Early this morning I went to the ER to get help with a food bolus that was stuck in my esophagus for 2 days.
The nurses and the doc were so reassuring and efficient.
I was treated, observed, and released within 2 hours.
Once again, thankful for our great hospital.
I'm Troy Foster, and have been a local since 2004. During my time here I have had numerous opportunities, both planned and unplanned, to interact with John C. Fremont HCD and hospital. Personally, I have had but one experience; that is, I severed a toe. Dr. Smith re-attached it and sent me on my way with some anti-biotics and a warning to be more careful. On a more serious note, or several of them, I credit the proximity to and professionalism of the hospital and its staff for life-saving care given to my family and friends. My mother fell and suffered a head injury. JCF was there to stabilizer her and send her to Modesto. A subdural hematoma would have killed her without that treatment. Another time mom fell and broke her femur. Again, the JCF staff was there to quickly assess and transfer for treatment at St. Agnes. I hasted to note that on two occasions my mom was diagnosed with pneumonia and in each case was diagnosed they kept her until she was well enough to come home - no transfer involved. Another life saving measure was applied to a friend who had suffered a head injury and a broken wrist. The head injury may have cost him his life. Once more JCF made the proper call and sent him to the appropriate surgeon for the head matter. I have used JCF's facilities for blood work, general x-ray, contrast enhanced CT scan, MRI scans, and sonogram study. All were done timely, professionally, and at a reasonable cost and without driving to another city. As a business owner of 17 years, we have had to send personnel to JCF and to my knowledge each was treated fairly, quickly, and professionally. In all cases I was treated (or the family members or team members) were treated with care, respect, and dignity that one comes to expect from a professional team. I am thankful for this asset. - Troy Foster
"I know from personal experience that our local hospital is a vital resource for the health and wellbeing of our community. In August of 2021, I started experiencing extreme tiredness and fainting spells. My insurance had suspended services with my usual provider near my work, Dignity Health in Merced, and was recommending I travel to Modesto's ER to be seen. There was no way I could make that far a trip. Instead, I was able to work with Dignity Health, who coordinated my being seen at JCF's ER. I received really excellent and thorough medical care from JCF, that put me on a path towards diagnosis and treatment of my illness. Having worked in nursing, I was very impressed by the skill and professionalism of the JCF ER team. The range of testing capabilities and medical expertise they had was especially remarkable for a small, rural hospital. They also handled the onerous administrative tasks associated with medical care exceptionally well, communicating my test results and medical records to my usual provider, for seamless coordination of follow up treatment. I cannot imagine what I would have done without our local hospital and hope we can retain this critical resource within our community."
-Valerie Leppert
I have had the privilige of JCF Hospital taking care of my mother. I would like to take this time to thank the staff for the quality of care that they have given her and the extra amount of time
they took to make sure she was alright and comfortable in her later time of life.
I would name many of the staff who went over and above to provide that for her, but honestly each
and everyone took that extra moment to make sure to listen and cared, your CNA's are amazing
and are something to be proud of. Not everyone has the pleasure to see the extra work and effort
they put into their daily tasks.
From a third party perspective it does appear that staffing is short, I can imagine the stress involved
with your staff when that occurs and I hope one day that can be helped and recitfied to add more to
your already wonderful caring group.
I thank all of them, I am sure will pass thru the halls again as mom ages, (94) geez..but still will
pass thru again, and at least will know she is in good hands with all involved.
Thank you! God Bless

In a freak fall I thought I broke my arm. The pain was beyond intense. A friend took me to the ER at John C Fremont, 10 minutes away. I received pain medication and care within 15 minutes of arrival. I felt so lucky to have this incredible resource right here in our own backyard. The alternative of enduring the long painful drive to Merced would have been exhausting but also would have gobbled up the entire day. I was in/out of our local ER in less than 90 minutes. The nursing staff, doctor and Xray technician were all caring, professional and efficient. I was home resting in bed before long. Thankfully my arm is not broken and I'm glad to have had the excellent care and info. Thank you John C. Fremont healthcare providers! Our Hospital rocks.
-Ruthie Fruehauf
The great care I received on Tuesday at the ER.
Tuesday I had a crohn s attack bloody stool diarrhea cramping nausea �� came to er waited in car someone came right out told me it wouldn't be too long and that a nurse would be out in a bit. Sure enough they had me in a room set me up and I got the best treatment anyone could ask for. I'm sorry I didn't get the name of the nurse but she was from Mississippi what a great nurse and then Dr Perez got me what I needed for this terrible disease felt much better by the time I left prescriptions in hand and instructions on what to do. I thank them so much..
I'm sure all you hear are complaints but they were wonderful. The hospital saved me in 1986 when I went off a cliff in a car stabilized me and mediflighted to Modesto then my husband was saved twice once from a botched back surgery and lastly a heart attack so we appreciate all you do
Thank you
Susan Mitchell
Heartfelt Thanks to John C. Fremont
July 11, 2020
This is a letter of heartfelt thanks to all of our county's emergency responders who, when minutes counted, save my life on May 1.
Just hours after the 011 call, a dispatched ambulance to John C. Fremont and a helicopter to transport to Fresno, I was rolled into surgery at Fresno Heart Hospital, where I received the best of care.
The remainder of May was spent in San Joaquin Rehab, where countless selfless, caring and highly trained heroes aided in my recovery. We live in a remote area, but our first responders are the best!
God bless you, one and all!
Barb Hamilton
My husband was in severe respiratory distress. My son called John C Fremont that we were coming. They scooped him out of our truck immediately and an entire team surrounded him to stabilize him. Then on discharge ordered a higher technology machine that will support his breathing and keep him out of the hospital. I'm sure they saved his life. Exceptional care.
You Saved My Life
September 3, 2020
Recently, I had a pulmonary embolism. I could not get enough oxygen into my body. I called 911.
They were so calm and helpful. The paramedics from Mercy Ambulance were kind, competent and so welcomed because they brought oxygen and took me to John C. Fremont Hospital. Because the paramedics detected a fever, I was coming into the hospital as a possible Covid-19 patient.
The hospital could not have been more ready. They put me in a room removed from the rest of the ER with a nurse who was completely gowned, masked and face shielded. They did a virus test immediately, the results were negative, and they knew that in 20 minutes.
I was impressed with the thoroughness of all the tests they ran. They knew within a short time what was wrong with me. They knew I needed critical heart care and began to look for a hospital they could transfer me to. All hospitals in Fresno and Merced were not taking patients. The search required many phone calls. Eventually, Memorial Hospital in Modesto would take me, and I was transported there.
My experience with JCF was that they were ready for Covid-19 and also so very competent in handling critical heart/lung cases. We are so lucky to have this hospital; it's caring, capable staff and those people who go out of their way to be supportive. We do not have to be afraid to use the emergency room because we fear the virus. The staff knows what they are doing, and will keep everyone safe.
Pat Stacy Mariposa
My last words to my husband as I tried to help him push himself up to a sitting position were. "Hold on...I can hear them...they're almost here..." Then he collapsed as the Midpines fire truck turned into our drive.
Neal O'Donel-Browne was a member of the Board of Directors of the John C. Fremont Health Care District. When he ran for re-election, he stated, "I wanted to join the Board because this is the hospital where I live. I was afraid I might need it."
And, in fact, I had previously driven him there four times for successful medical interventions. Two were close calls.
This time it was too late. After an hour and a half in the emergency room, a medical team of two doctors, two registered nurses, a respiratory therapist and three other professionals gave up.
Neal made this emergency room possible by being at the right place at the right time to change the right person's mind about providing the money to build it. I begged him to remain on the Board whenever he showed signs of getting tired. I had absolute faith that he would find a way to keep the hospital going.
When they allowed me in to say good bye to him, I looked around at the walls and equipment, and I wondered if the emergency room would be there when it was my turn. I thought probably not. I wanted my own chance to survive the golden hour.
So far, I haven't needed that room for myself. But I've been there with a bleeding baby from the Netherlands who fell out of a motor home, with a tourist from Germany who was gasping for air, with a Northside woman whose ribs were broken when her lover assaulted her, with a Mariposa man whose back was in spasm from an injury on the job, with my teen-aged son who survived a 50 foot fall by the Reservoir, and with my husband. I watched these people get expert professional care mixed with small town personal concern. My turn will come.
Candy O'Donel-Browne